
Posts Tagged ‘market’

Push To Talk on Android with TiKL

October 17, 2011 Leave a comment

TiKL Homescreen

Using our phones as walkie-talkies was made popular by the Nextel network and quickly became an indispensable tool for those on the go.  Other carriers have tried setting up their own push-to-talk networks but for the most part have failed to find the same level of success.  With the proliferation of the Android operating system, however, things are changing.  Now our phones can run apps that give full push to talk functionality.  Leading the charge is TiKL, a free app available on the Android Market that enables Push-to-Talk on any Android phones with the app installed.  You can find the app at the following link…

Download TiKL

Once downloaded, you go through your contacts and select the person you want to talk to from the list of everyone in your phones contacts.  You can also save people to a favorites list for those people you talk to most frequently.  Another great feature is the ability to adjust the privacy settings so you won’t disturb those around you if someone chirps you at an inopportune time.

TiKL ContactsAnother great new feature of the app is the ability to use their Facebook app to be able to talk to anyone with the app right from your computer!  Just go to and allow the app to access your Facebook account and you’re good to go.

TiKL SettingsWith TiKL, potentially everyone using and Android device can now be on what could be the largest Push-To-Talk network around.  Download, push, talk and enjoy.  Drop a comment below if this works for you and share how you’re using TiKL to communicate faster.

Categories: Droid, General Tags: , , , , , , ,

Applanet Still Down

August 23, 2011 1 comment

If you are reading this post then you are probably well aware that Applanet has been down for some time now. It’s still unknown exactly when the service will be up and running but rumor has it that it’s down in preparation for a new and improved version that has been slated to be released for some time now.

In the meantime, we are reviewing a few other options for online app repsitories and will post an article with some of our favorites soon. Sit tight and keep checking back frequently.

UPDATE: We have added a link to another app similar to Applanet but with better availability called BlackMarket Alpha.  Check it out here…

Categories: Droid, General Tags: , , , , , ,

Secure Your Droid

March 29, 2011 Leave a comment

Once you get out there and start downloading apps like a madman (or madwoman) you’re going to be opening yourself up for potential attacks from hackers.  It’s possible that some of the apps you download could be malware that can do bad things to your phone, especially if you’re downloading from somewhere other than the official Android Market.

Lookout Mobile SecurityThere are several ways to secure your device but my favorite has always been Lookout Mobile Defender.  This app will run in the background on your device and will scan every new app you install and tell you if it’s safe.  It can also do sweeps of your phone to search for anything that shouldn’t be there as well as help you locate your phone if you lose it.  Another great feature is doing regular backups in case your phone’s memory gets wiped so you won’t lose anything.  The best part is that the app is free if you only want to scan your apps and want the missing device location service.  For others features they will charge you a small amount so it’s up to you if you want the full monty or not.

Click the link below from your phones browser to download it directly from the Android market…

Lookout Mobile SecurityThere are plenty of other security apps on the market (like Norton Antivirus) but I’ve always had great success with Lookout.  If you have any other apps to recommend for security, drop a comment below.

Free Android Apps!!

March 29, 2011 6 comments

UPDATE: Due to Applanet being down for an extended period of time, we have added a link to another app similar to Applanet but with better availability called BlackMarket Alpha.  Check it out here…

Yes, you read that right.  We are now going to get into the meat and potatoes of the seedy underside of the Android app world…free apps!

There are several ways of getting free apps, so we’re going to start with one of the more complete ways.  An app called Applanet.

Before we can get into that, we have to get our phone ready.  From the home screen, press the menu button and then select Options.

Uknown Sources Menu

The Unknown Sources Menu

On the next menu, select Applications.  Here, you should see an option that says Unknown Sources.  Make sure this is checked.  By default, your Android phone is setup to only allow you to download apps from the Android Market.  They do this to make sure someone doesn’t try to install malicious apps that may damage your phone.

Now you’re ready to download Applanet and start downloading free apps.  There are several ways to do this.  First off, you can visit the applanet website…

There you will have several options of downloading the file either to your computer or straight to your phone if you’re visiting from your phones web browser.

Or, if you are like me and you’re just too lazy to go to another site…just hit the link below from your phone’s browser  and you should start a download of the file.

You should see a download start on your phone.  Once the download is complete, select the file and you should be prompted to install it, similar to any other app from the market.  Go through the regular steps, install the file and you’re ready to go.



You will immediately notice that Applanet is designed to look and behave just like the Android Market.  There are categories and listings of free and paid apps.  Find the apps you want, hit download, and enjoy.

Disclaimer: Why would someone download free apps?  This is intended to be used to test drive apps.  If you find an app you like, we STRONGLY recommend taking the time to buy the regular app on the market to help support the developers.  They work hard to get the apps to you and without our support, who would be left to make apps?

Drop a comment below if this did or did not work for you.  Applanet is a little finicky and often times their network is down, leaving you with just a blank screen when you launch it.  Have patience with it and feel free to visit their site for more detailed info and technical help.

Categories: Droid Tags: , , , , , , , ,