
Posts Tagged ‘malware’

Secure Your Droid

March 29, 2011 Leave a comment

Once you get out there and start downloading apps like a madman (or madwoman) you’re going to be opening yourself up for potential attacks from hackers.  It’s possible that some of the apps you download could be malware that can do bad things to your phone, especially if you’re downloading from somewhere other than the official Android Market.

Lookout Mobile SecurityThere are several ways to secure your device but my favorite has always been Lookout Mobile Defender.  This app will run in the background on your device and will scan every new app you install and tell you if it’s safe.  It can also do sweeps of your phone to search for anything that shouldn’t be there as well as help you locate your phone if you lose it.  Another great feature is doing regular backups in case your phone’s memory gets wiped so you won’t lose anything.  The best part is that the app is free if you only want to scan your apps and want the missing device location service.  For others features they will charge you a small amount so it’s up to you if you want the full monty or not.

Click the link below from your phones browser to download it directly from the Android market…

Lookout Mobile SecurityThere are plenty of other security apps on the market (like Norton Antivirus) but I’ve always had great success with Lookout.  If you have any other apps to recommend for security, drop a comment below.