
Posts Tagged ‘hackmondo’


March 28, 2011 Leave a comment

To put it very simply, this site is designed for people with little to no tech savvy who want to get a little more out of their shiny electronic toys. We’re going to go over terms like hacking, rooting, and jailbreaking and what they all mean and if they are right for you. Or maybe you’ve already rooted your android phone and now you want to know what to do with. We’ll post articles about the best apps for rooted, jail broken and even unmodified phones and tech.

Primarily this site will run off of user requests for information. If you have a question just post a comment and we’ll do our best to answer.

As a disclaimer, virtually all of the information found here is from articles around the web and whenever possible I will put links to those sites and to the original authors. The main goal of HackMondo is to take all that information and convert it to non-techno babble for everyone to understand. Please check with your own wireless carrier or device manufacturer to find out if any of the things we talk about here will void your warranty or violate your terms of service. Proceed at your own risk.