
Posts Tagged ‘app store’

August 25, 2011 Leave a comment

The worlds easiest and most elegant jail break tool is back.  Comex has released the much anticipated update recently and so far there are a lot of happy Apple fanboys around the world.  The biggest feature of this update was the inclusion of the iPad 2, which up until this point was un-jailbreakable (yup, that’s totally a word).  Now even the owners of Apple’s latest and greatest tablet can partake in the Cydia goodness.

So how does it work?  On your iOS device’s browser, just go to  From there you will see a screen that has a single button.  Click it and you are jail broken.  It literally could not be any simpler or cleaner than that.  So far reports are that this will work on all current iOS devices but that probably won’t be the case for long as Apple usually makes it a point to crash the Jail Break party whenever it can.

And remember, jailbreaking will void your warranty but it is NOT ILLEGAL! And if you ever want to go back, you can just undo the whole processs by using iTunes to revert back and fully wiping your device. Just remember to back everything up before you do.

If the jailbreak worked for you, drop a comment below and tell us what device you did it on.

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