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Push To Talk on Android with TiKL

TiKL Homescreen

Using our phones as walkie-talkies was made popular by the Nextel network and quickly became an indispensable tool for those on the go.  Other carriers have tried setting up their own push-to-talk networks but for the most part have failed to find the same level of success.  With the proliferation of the Android operating system, however, things are changing.  Now our phones can run apps that give full push to talk functionality.  Leading the charge is TiKL, a free app available on the Android Market that enables Push-to-Talk on any Android phones with the app installed.  You can find the app at the following link…

Download TiKL

Once downloaded, you go through your contacts and select the person you want to talk to from the list of everyone in your phones contacts.  You can also save people to a favorites list for those people you talk to most frequently.  Another great feature is the ability to adjust the privacy settings so you won’t disturb those around you if someone chirps you at an inopportune time.

TiKL ContactsAnother great new feature of the app is the ability to use their Facebook app to be able to talk to anyone with the app right from your computer!  Just go to https://apps.facebook.com/tikltalk/ and allow the app to access your Facebook account and you’re good to go.

TiKL SettingsWith TiKL, potentially everyone using and Android device can now be on what could be the largest Push-To-Talk network around.  Download, push, talk and enjoy.  Drop a comment below if this works for you and share how you’re using TiKL to communicate faster.

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