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Automatically Upload Pics to Dropbox with Dropin

For those not familiar with it, Dropbox.com is a fantastic site that gives you free, online cloud storage.  You can basically upload just about any file there and then be able to access it from any computer or mobile device as long as it has an internet connection.  It’s a great place to store files, videos, documents, pictures…just about anything you can think of.

Now there is a great little app that makes the upload process automated.  Dropin automatically uploads pictures you take with your Android’s camera straight to Dropbox.com.  This means that your files will automatically be online and ready to be shared since you can just send the link of the pic to anyone.  Another plus is that in case your phone gets lost, stolen or damaged all your pics will be nice and safe in the cloud.

Dropin couldn’t be simpler to use.  First off, download it from the Android Market by clicking on the link below…

Click Here to Download Dropin from the Android Market

Once you have the app downloaded, launch it.  You’ll see a basic screen with some simple settings.  You can set the app to send a picture to Dropbox.com as soon as the picture is taken, or you can set it to only do it when it’s using a wifi connection so it doesn’t waste your phones data bandwidth on file uploads.  You can also set where you want your pics and videos to upload to on your Dropbox.com account (particular folders, etc).

Dropin is a very useful app to automate your usage of another great product…Dropbox.  We love anything that takes care of simple tasks for us with minimal effort, and in that department, Dropin scores aces.

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