
Archive for October, 2011

Stream or Download Movies for Free on Android or iOS

October 31, 2011 Leave a comment

With so many video formats and devices out there, sometimes it’s hard to figure out the best way to watch movies when you’re on the go.  With Netflix seeming to increase it’s rates on an hourly basis, it’s great to have an alternative.  A new website has made the process much easier no matter what device you’re using.  And the best part is you don’t need a computer to do it! is a website that you can view on your desktop or laptop computer as well as your iOS device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) and Android phone.  Once you punch in the web address, you’ll see a basic home screen with a search bar at the top and then a list of years at the bottom.  You can search their catalog or browse based on the year the movie was released.

Search by Year

For this example, we’re typing ‘X-Men’ into the search bar.  When we have the results, we select a movie and then see various viewing options.  We can stream from a few different locations and we can also download directly to our device.  The download option will take you to a file share site where the movie is being stored at.  Occasionally the link download link will take you to a page that says the movie you’re looking for was removed.  Not much you can do about this…you’ll just have to keep looking.  It’s great to have the option to stream when you have a data connection or to download to watch when you don’t have internet access.

Search Bar

Download to iOS Devices

Depending on your device, the download process is a little different.  For the PC, it’s a straightforward affair.  If you’re on an Apple iOS device, you’ll need another application first.  Follow the link below to download Downloads Lite from the App store…

Downloads Lite

Click Stream or Download to view

Once you have Downloads Lite installed, open the program and use it to navigate to through the built in browser.  Go through the same process to get to the download or stream options and select download.  It should take you to the download location (usually  It may require you to wait until a download counts down before the download link appears.  Click and the app will start the download process.  Once this is done, you can go to the files tab and there’s your movie!  You also have the option for moving the video file into your Photos folder so it’ll be easier to find.

Download to Android

Luckily, the Android download process is much simpler since it doesn’t require any other apps to work.  Just follow all the steps before and click on the download link from  Next, click the download link once it appears on and the download should start.  That’s it…once the download completes you should be able to find it in your videos or gallery. is a great tool for getting a huge number of movies on your device or for streaming and is a great alternative when Netflix keeps jacking up the rates.  Occasionally the format may not be the best for your given device but in the end it’s a great option to have especially when you’re on the go.

Push To Talk on Android with TiKL

October 17, 2011 Leave a comment

TiKL Homescreen

Using our phones as walkie-talkies was made popular by the Nextel network and quickly became an indispensable tool for those on the go.  Other carriers have tried setting up their own push-to-talk networks but for the most part have failed to find the same level of success.  With the proliferation of the Android operating system, however, things are changing.  Now our phones can run apps that give full push to talk functionality.  Leading the charge is TiKL, a free app available on the Android Market that enables Push-to-Talk on any Android phones with the app installed.  You can find the app at the following link…

Download TiKL

Once downloaded, you go through your contacts and select the person you want to talk to from the list of everyone in your phones contacts.  You can also save people to a favorites list for those people you talk to most frequently.  Another great feature is the ability to adjust the privacy settings so you won’t disturb those around you if someone chirps you at an inopportune time.

TiKL ContactsAnother great new feature of the app is the ability to use their Facebook app to be able to talk to anyone with the app right from your computer!  Just go to and allow the app to access your Facebook account and you’re good to go.

TiKL SettingsWith TiKL, potentially everyone using and Android device can now be on what could be the largest Push-To-Talk network around.  Download, push, talk and enjoy.  Drop a comment below if this works for you and share how you’re using TiKL to communicate faster.

Categories: Droid, General Tags: , , , , , , ,

WiFi Hotspot Without Root!

October 10, 2011 1 comment

The lure of turning your phone into a wifi hotspot has called to many of us.  The idea of being able to share our phones internet connection with any wifi enabled device seems too good to be true.  Sure, we can do it by ordering that from our wireless carrier, but who want’s to shell out $30 or $40 a month?!  Till now the only way around that was to root your phone which, depending on what version of Android you’re running, could be a slightly tricky proposition.

A new app that has shown up on the market promises to make the whole process easier and without having to root your phone.  It’s called One Click USB Wifi Tether (I know…it’s a catchy title).  You can find it at the link below…

One Click USB Wifi Tether

The app is primarily a widget for your home screen.  Once installed, simply long press on any of your home screens where you have some empty space.  Select Widgets and then scroll down the list until you find the app.  Once selected, a box with two buttons will appear on your desktop.  The button on the right will activate the USB tethering if you have your device connected to a laptop or computer via USB.  The button on the right will activate your wifi hotspot which is useful for sharing your internet with non-usb devices (like an iPad, for example).  There have been reports that this app has been having problems working on Verizon phones since they are blocking the use of unauthorized wifi hotspot apps, even on rooted phones.

It’s a simple and elegant app that now lets more users harness one of the best features built into Android.  And all this can be yours for only $1.99!

Head over to the market and pick it up and drop a comment below and let us know how it works out on your device and carrier.

Categories: Droid, General Tags: , , , , ,

Automatically Upload Pics to Dropbox with Dropin

October 4, 2011 Leave a comment

For those not familiar with it, is a fantastic site that gives you free, online cloud storage.  You can basically upload just about any file there and then be able to access it from any computer or mobile device as long as it has an internet connection.  It’s a great place to store files, videos, documents, pictures…just about anything you can think of.

Now there is a great little app that makes the upload process automated.  Dropin automatically uploads pictures you take with your Android’s camera straight to  This means that your files will automatically be online and ready to be shared since you can just send the link of the pic to anyone.  Another plus is that in case your phone gets lost, stolen or damaged all your pics will be nice and safe in the cloud.

Dropin couldn’t be simpler to use.  First off, download it from the Android Market by clicking on the link below…

Click Here to Download Dropin from the Android Market

Once you have the app downloaded, launch it.  You’ll see a basic screen with some simple settings.  You can set the app to send a picture to as soon as the picture is taken, or you can set it to only do it when it’s using a wifi connection so it doesn’t waste your phones data bandwidth on file uploads.  You can also set where you want your pics and videos to upload to on your account (particular folders, etc).

Dropin is a very useful app to automate your usage of another great product…Dropbox.  We love anything that takes care of simple tasks for us with minimal effort, and in that department, Dropin scores aces.