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Free Android Apps with Aptoide

Not to sound like a broken record, but here’s yet another way to get FREE APPS FOR YOUR ANDROID!

To start off, here’s a little background info.  Apps are stored in a place called a repository.  A repository is a type of library or bank where these apps are stored and by using a particular app, you can access these libraries and download directly to your phone.  The official Android Market itself is a type of repository.  Just like the Blackmarket Alpha app we had mentioned before, Aptoide is another app repository full of appy goodness.

Aptoid is available on the regular Android Market so follow the link below on your Android powered device and download the Aptoide Installer.

Click Here for Aptoide Installer From Android Market

Get the Installer and run it and you’ll get the Aptoide app on your phone.  Aptoid itself is a program that reads repositories, so now we need to tell it where the repositories are.  We will start off by doing it the automated way and downloading another app from the Android Market that works with Aptoide to add the repositories.  Click on the link below for the Aptoide Repos app.

Click Here for Aptoide Repos App from Android Market

Now we’re going to run the Aptoid Repos app and it’s going to automatically add a list of repositories (or repos).  Let it do it’s thing and then run Aptoide.  The first time you run it (and periodically from now on) the app will ask you if you want it to update it’s list of apps from the listed repositories.  Click yes and let it re-populate the list.  Once this is done, you can click on Games, Applications or Others to take you to the

Press Manage Repos to add repositories

corresponding lists of apps.  You can also press the menu button and use the search option to find a particular app among the thousands listed.

The power of Aptoide lies in the ability to manually add any new repositories that they don’t list automatically through the Aptoide Repos app.  To do this, click on the menu button from the main page, then click on Manage Repo.  This takes you to the list of repositories you already have.  To add a new one, click on the menu button, then click New Repository.  This brings up a new box with a field for the website address.  Enter the address and press Add.  For our example, type http://repo.blackdroid.net and click Add.  You will now see the new repository listed.  When you go back to the Aptoide main screen by pressing the back key, it will again ask you if you want to update your list of apps based on this new repository.  Let it update and you’re good to go.

Depending on what repos are automatically added, here are a couple must have for more free apps…



Adding a new Repo

Aptoide is also great because it lists what apps that you have already downloaded have updates available so you’re always running the latest and greatest version of your apps.

Hopefully this works for you.  Drop a comment below if you know of any other noteworthy repositories that are floating around out there and happy downloading!

  1. Slayclay
    September 6, 2012 at 9:19 am

    Is this Aptoide software similar with Blackmarket Alpha ?

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