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Free iOS Apps With Installous

One of the first questions anyone asks after jailbreaking is “Where da free apps at?!” Granted, some people may ask the same question in a more grammatically correct manner.

Once you are jailbroken, the process of being able to install free apps is fairly painless. First off, we have to address the issue of why someone would do this. The purpose of this hack is to be able to download apps for free to try out before you buy (emphasis being on “BEFORE YOU BUY”). If you find an app that you like, you should always, always, ALWAYS download the paid app from the App Store to support the app makers.

Step 1: Begin by going into Cydia (which you should have once you jailbreak your iOS device).

Click on Cydia

Step 2: Once inside Cydia, click on Sources on the bottom row of buttons

Click on Sources

Step 3: This screen shows the app repositories you currently have.  (A repository is basically a big bank full of apps.)  We want to add a new repository so click on the Edit button on the top right corner.  On the next screen click on the Add button on the top right corner.

Step 4: Now we are going to tell the program where to find the new repository.  Type the following into the search box, exactly as it appears so that your search box has only this text: http://cydia.hackulo.us

Once you have done that click on Add Source.

You’ll see this next screen as everything is installed.

The install screen

Step 5: Now your list of app repositories will have a new option…Hackulous.  Click on it.

Click on Installous

Step 6: Once inside the Hackullous app, click on the Install button on the top right corner.

Click Install

Step 7: Click Confirm on the next screen to finalize the installation

Click Confirm

Step 8: Once the installation is complete, you will see the Installous icon on your screen.  Just tap this to launch your new Installous app store.

Tap on Installous App

Once you’re inside Installous, you can see the categories of apps listed on the left.  There is also a Search button on the top bar to search for specific apps.

The Installous App

Installous is run and maintained by regular people that are working hard to bring you a great and easy way to try apps before you buy.  As a result of the grass roots basis of the program, it can be frequently out of service due to high traffic.  Always be patient when using things like this and understand that people are working hard to bring you this.  If you want to help out, you can always make a donation to those dedicated few bringing you these great services.  Just go to http://hackulo.us/ for more details on the app and to donate.

If you get this to work drop a comment below and let us know what device and version you ran it on.  And remember… if you find an app you like, spend a few bucks to buy the real version from the App Store.  Keep app makers cranking out quality apps.

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